Pupil Leadership

Our Pupil Leadership Team are a vital part of the St Mary’s Community. They are representative of the whole student body, from Years 7-13. They meet regularly with the Headteacher and the Lead for Pupil leadership, and act to make positive change within our school and local community.

Our Head Pupils are from years 11 and 13, whilst the deputies are spread across all the other year groups. This gives them a broad range of opportunities and experience to draw on when planning and working on projects. They are also positive role-models for their peers and each other.

Aims of the Pupil Leadership Team:

  • To empower students to work in partnership with staff towards shared goals.
  • To provide opportunities for students to flourish within the school and the wider community.
  • To allow students to develop leadership skills., and other transferable skills which will help them prepare for life after school and college.
  • To make sure every child feels safe and welcome in school.

St. Mary’s Catholic High school and Sixth Form College will:

  • Provide a Pupil Leadership tie, pin badge or lanyard so they can be easily identified around school by all members of the community
  • Provide a wide range of participation and leadership opportunities which cater for all students in school.
  • Provide students with access to key staff for support and guidance.


There are 4 pupil-led committees at St Mary’s, support by staff. These have representation from both student leaders, and students from across all the year groups 7-13. Their remit is to support and improve the school and local community. They are:

  • Diversity Committee
  • Catholic Community and Environment Committee
  • Mental Health Committee
  • Anti- Bullying Committee

They meet once every 2 weeks to put in place actions to ensure that everyone feels included and accepted in our school, and to foster a sense of wellbeing and community within our school and wider area.

Pupil Leadership Team

Key Stage 5

Lead Student - Ben

Deputy Student - Jack

Deputy Student - Jeyda

Key Stage 4

Lead Student - Aoife

Deputy Student - George

Deputy Student Sam

Key Sage 3

Deputy Student - Samu

Deputy Student - Ramzan

Committee Leads in Key stage 3 and 4 

  • Mairead
  • Luke
  • Jayden
  • Ciara
  • Emma
  • Phoebe
  • Lilia


Pupil Leader Contract