Parental Communication
Voicemail: 01942 884 144 (Option 1)
EduLink: Please log your child's absence using the 'Absence Reporting' feature.
Please leave child's name, reg group/year group, and the reason for the absence when contacting.
Parents who wish to contact pupils to relay a message, may do so by calling the school office. To minimise disruption to teaching and learning, we would request that this facility should only be reserved for emergencies. Any urgent messages will be passed to the pupil concerned.
Pupils must keep their phones switched off, and inside their school bag, during the school day. Parents should not use this as a method for communication during school hours.
The use of mobile phones by pupils during the school day is strictly prohibited. If pupils use a mobile phone during the school day, this will be treated as a breach of this rule and will result in confiscation of the phone under the School's Behaviour Policy. If pupils need to contact home during the day, they should speak with a member of staff, at break or lunchtime, who can then direct them to the School Office.
Edulink will keep you up to date with information on your child in-cluding their timetable, achievements, behaviour, and attendance.
You can also report any absences here, and contact your child’s teachers directly if you have any queries or information to pass on.
If you need your password resetting, please get in touch via email at
If you need any further information, please refer to our Edulink Guide
WisePay is a secure online school/college payments service, allowing parents/carers to make cashless payments to their school - whether this is for lunch money, trips, or music lessons.
If you have any problems accessing WisePay, please contact our finance
Urgent enquiries are defined as those of a safeguarding nature, for example, a concern about the immediate wellbeing of a child or a missing child.
In the case of such concern, please contact the school by phone (01942 884144) or visit the reception and ask for the Safeguarding Officer.
Non-urgent enquiries should be sent to your child's Head of Year via email in the first instance.
Alternatively, you can contact the admin email or call reception.Staff will respond, during working hours, to non-urgent queries.
KS3 Team
Pastoral Manager: Mr G Williams
Y7 Head of Year: Mr A Petts
Y8 Head of Year: Mr P Anderson
Y9 Head of Year: Mrs C Wilcockson
KS4 Team
Pastoral Manager: Mr M Simon
Y10 Head of Year: Mrs H Beeley
Y11 Head of Year: Mrs C Ball
KS5 Team
Pastoral Manager: Miss M Hamilton
Y12 & Y13 Head of Year: Miss E Thompson
Meeting requests should be made by calling/emailing reception. The request will then be passed on to the relevant staff member and some-body will be in touch to arrange.
01942 884144
Meetings are appointment only.
Staff will not meet with parents/carers who arrive at school and re-quest an immediate meeting, unless the issue is urgent as defined in the Urgent Queries section of this sheet.