
Each year up to 200 students are admitted into Year 12 at the age of 16, up to 30 of which may be external candidates.

Places are allocated on the basis of academic suitability for the selected curriculum pathway using criteria that will be published annually in the Sixth Form Prospectus.

In the case of over-subscription priority will be given to Looked After Children (children who are in the care of the L.A. or have previously been in the care of the L.A.) with precedence being given to Catholic then other than Catholic, and students progressing from St Mary’s Catholic High School.

 Sixth Form Entry requirements:

A Level Courses 

Achieved 4 or more GCSE’s at grade 6 or above. Students must have at least a grade 6 in the nearest subject to the A Level they wish to study. Students must also have a 4 or better in either Maths or English. 

Vocational Courses 

Achieved 5 or more GCSE’s at Grade 4 or above. Students must also have a 4 or better in either Maths or English. 

Level 2 Suite 

This pathway is appropriate for anybody that does not meet the requirements for the two pathways above. This is a fixed curriculum of Applied Science, ICT, Work Skills with GCSE Maths and English as required. 

Any student that has not achieved a grade 4 or better in Maths or a grade 4 or better in either English language or literature must continue to study this in the Sixth Form.