Consultation on Proposed Changes to Admission Arrangements for September 2026
We are in a period of consultation on the proposed Admissions Policy for children joining St. Mary’s Catholic High School in September 2026.
The consultation period will run from 16th December 2024 to 27th January, 2025. During this time parents and members of the community are invited to express their views and any concerns about the proposed admission arrangements at St Mary’s Catholic High School.
Please find the full policy and admission arrangements attached. In addition to sharing the newly proposed policy we are sharing the information below to explain the main change which might affect your family. Some key points are below to help you:
1) Admissions in 2026:
- The proposed oversubscription criteria when applying to join in 2026 has changed from those in previous years.
- Updates align with advice from Catholic Education Service and Liverpool Archdiocese.
2) Sibling Priority Adjusted:
- Currently, children with siblings already at St. Mary’s are placed in separate criterion depending on whether they are Catholic (Criteria 2) or not (Criteria 5).
- From 2026, there will no longer be separate sibling criterion. Instead, having an older sibling will give priority within the existing oversubscription criterion.
3) A new provision has been added within each Criteria
- “Where evidence is provided at the time of application of an exceptional social, medical or pastoral need of the child which can most appropriately be met at this school, the application will be placed at the top of the category in which the application is made.”
Example of the New Oversubscription System:
- Within Criterion 2: Catholic children who are resident in the partner parishes will be ranked in the following order-
1. Those with exceptional medical or pastoral needs (that is, that ONLY St Mary’s can meet the need).
2. Those with older siblings in school at the time of admission
3. All other Catholic children who are resident in the partner parishes
This structure will apply across all the other criterion too, such as:
- Criteria 3: Other Catholic children
- Criteria 4: Children from partner primary schools
The full details are in the policy document linked below
In accordance with statutory DfE guidance, the consultation will run for six weeks and, as an interested party, we are keen to hear your views on the proposed admission arrangements.
Therefore, we invite you to participate in the consultation if you have any concerns regarding the matter.
All responses to the consultation should be made in writing and submitted before 5.00pm on Monday 27th January, 2025:
By post or delivered to Headteacher, St Mary’s Catholic High School, Manchester Road, Astley, Manchester, M29 7EE or
By email to (Please label the email’s subject as “Admissions Consultation”)
or By completing our online form via the following link:
Please note that written responses should outline your personal details, including your name, address, and relationship to the school.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us for clarification.
Kind regards
Mrs D Brahms
Proposed Admissions Policy for 2026-27
St Mary's Catholic High School - Admissions Policy 2026-27 (proposed).pdfSupplementary Faith Information Form
St Mary's Catholic High School -Supplementary Faith Information Form.pdf